Friday, June 20, 2008

I cannot write today. I feel really sad, I don't really know why. The weather is pretty bad, but clearing up. It's Friday and I think there is some international festival here this weekend.

I don't know what I am going to do. I really just want to talk to a westerner I think... oh well. I am homesick.


Jacattack said...

Kathleen--I'm emailing you. Check your email. xo Jac

Lucinda Presley said...

I'm emailing, too!


Paula said...


Given all that you have seen and experienced in such a short time it is not surprising that you are feeling sad. It is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder that occurs when you are exposed to overwhelming experiences over which you have no control. It is called vicarious PTSD.

So engage in some stress reducing activities... something that disengages you for a period of time. Also recognize that you cannot solve the entire issue...just do what you can do and recognize that is good enough.

I try to do that.

